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Do everything you need to win in this card game

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Spades is a classic trick-taking card game that invites players to engage in a strategic battle of wits and skill. Originating in the 1930s and exploding in popularity with its release on Microsoft Windows in 1992, the game has since cemented its place in the hearts of card game enthusiasts.

The goal in this card game is straightforward: accurately predict the number of tricks one will take in each hand and achieve that number to score points. Paired with a partner, cooperation and tactical forecasting are key, as the combined bids set the benchmark for the team's performance. Unlike other variants from the Whist family of card games, Spades assigns the spade suit as the trump.

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This game is played with a standard 52-card deck, ranking each card from Ace as the highest to two as the lowest. Players form teams of two, situated across from one another, ensuring a spirited dynamic between opponents and allies alike. After shuffling, cards are dealt, and each player must bid the number of tricks they expect to capture, with no option to pass. Bids are set in stone once declared.

One of the distinctive elements of this platform is the Nil bid, which is a high-risk, high-reward strategy where a player bets on winning zero tricks for a bonus score. But beware, failure to achieve Nil results in stiff penalties.

Players must follow the suit led whenever possible, with spades trumping all other suits when played. Deciding when to play the powerful trump cards is tactical, as spades cannot lead a hand until they have been 'broken' in play.

Scoring rewards meeting or exceeding one's bid with points, while falling short or accumulating too many overtricks results in deductions. The first team to reach a score of 500 points emerges victorious.

For card game aficionados or those seeking to delve into a competitive classic, the app offers a compact download that brings all the cerebral engagement and entertainment of the original card game directly to one's device. Dive into the strategic depth of the game and put card skills to the test. And remember, the Games section is always available for additional gaming pleasures.

This review has been crafted using the insights provided by GASP.

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 4.4 or higher required

Information about Spades 1.31

Package Name com.sg.js.Spades
License Free
Op. System Android
Category Card Games
Language English
72 more
Author GASP
Downloads 1,627
Date Jun 22, 2024
Content Rating +3
Advertisement Not specified
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Older versions

apk 1.20.0 Android + 10.9 Mavericks Sep 21, 2016

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